Agriverse Agriverse is a Game-Fi component (Plant 2 Earn), Agrimetaverse (Play 2 Earn) and a Decentralized Agriculture built on web3.0 while using cutting-edge technologies like IOT and AI, in which you will get a physical land, crops, and livestock as virtual NFTs. A realistic solution featuring physical assets that enable users to offset their carbon footprint by connecting the physical and virtual worlds and having real-world applications with 24/7 live surveillance of land and farms through advanced and powerful drones and cameras. About Agriverse Agriverse is a Game-Fi component (plant to Earn) a Decentralized agriculture built on web3.0 while using cutting-edge technologies like IOT and AI, in which you will obtain physical land, crops and livestock as virtual NFTs. A realistic solution featuring physical assets that allow users to offset their carbon footprint by connecting the physical and virtual worlds and having real-world applications. Agriverse uses specialize...